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Personal Cars

Wecome to my Personal Cars page!
If you have a race car or a custom rod you would like to show off, send it to me and I will put it on as soon as possible.

Joe Coleman/JET-HOT Racing
A big thanks to Joe Coleman for sending me this pic of his beautiful 1967 Chevy ||. His machine is powered by a 353 cu/in motor, and the car weighing 3130 lbs. He runs nice 10.30's and as you can see does some nice wheelies. Joe will be racing at Maple Grove in the HR/C class.
Johnston Randall's Pro Street '41 Ford pickup
A big thanks to Johnston for sending me these pics of his great looking (soon to look better) Pro Street 41 Ford pickup!
Power: BDS 6-71, 468 cu in, turbo 400, narrowed 9" with Mark Williams
discs, Art Morrison 4-bar, Mustang II front
Body: Extended cab 24", built 3rd door, hand built aluminum box
Interior: 10 Point cage
Completion Date: Soon (I hope)

(c) 2001 DragRacePics